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Denny's RP Menu!
Welcome to the main page! This page will have the basic info about me and common things you should know. :)

the reason that i made this was so it would be easier for people to learn how I rp and what characters I play as the best. Of course, if you want to know more about how I rp, rp prompts and starters, etc, then do let me know after you send in your rp request and I accept it !
all filler images found on pinterest, so cannot give specific credits.however, the silver image has credits when you click on it.
DNI & BYF ! -
BYF: I am asexual. I have about five years of professional rp writing experience. I am very communicative and social. I am also autistically honest and need tone indicators occasionally.
DNI: if you fit in the basic dni requirements, 25 or older, proshipper, fetishizes gay people, gay relationships, trans people, trans relationships, race, etc. Just a real big kinky person lmfao, semi-lit or lower.
click on each image to see their info :)
Filling out an application lets me know more about you without you having to wait for me to answer immediately! It also enables me to determine your writing style and whether we would be a good fit for roleplaying. :)
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( シルバー・ザ・ヘッジホッグ )

Silver the Hedgehog is a futuristic hedgehog where his role is to prevent the ruining of his time by resolving the catastrophes of the past.

╰┈➤ ❝ Silver is described as having a "strong sense of justice", a very apparent personality trait that motivates him to his goals. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ He is a very reassuring and believing character, believing in others that cannot stand up for themselves. He makes alliances and rivalries very easily and takes people's word without question; many other people that know him call him naive for this reason. His character is both an optimist as well as a realist, depending on the situation.He can appear very serious and well put together on the outside, but when he is with someone he trusts, such as Blaze, he is described to be somewhat young-natured and immature. But when he is alone, he is very paranoid and insecure. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ To add to his seriousness, he has a hard time understanding and translating tone when people speak to him. He will take trash talk and banter seriously, causing him to be an unfun person to tease EX: Sonic attempting to tease and trash talk Silver in Team Sonic Racing ❞╰┈➤ ❝ He is also described to be shy, especially in the social aspect. Due to his future being a horrible dystopia, he rarely has people to talk to, therefore, he remains socially awkward. However, he's very excited and content when speaking with others due to his low interaction in his own timeline. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ Silver wears his heart on his sleeve. He feels anger and joy intensely and loudly, but his sadness is silent and hardly, if ever, marked by tears. He lets his rage control him and cheerfully remarks on the things that make him happy, but hardly says a word in his sadness, though it is visible to everyone. However, though he may feel sad, he never gives in to despair, always looking for a solution the right way. Silver's way of life also has a way of energizing people and making them want to watch over him and cheer him on forever, which can be considered a part of Silver's appeal. ❞
"I'm going to change the future with my own hands!"Sonic Rivals 2
"Don't you ever turn your back on me!"Sonic 06

His favorite flavor is grape.
Him and Amy are best friends, just like him and Blaze.
He can go temporarily mute if he is too overwhelmed.
He has heavy trust issues, mainly due to the Iblis Trigger incident.
However, he is also more lenient and open to making friends, also influenced by the Iblis Trigger incident.
Once he's found romantic interest in someone, he remains very nervous and impulsive around them.
In a fit of rage, he will make everything around him float. (Similar to the Gravity Fall's Intro) His powers and abilities become very sensitive when he's pissed.
He can pick you up and throw you around similar to Sans in Undertale. This is mainly canon, but I'm adding this in anyway.
He does not enjoy competing with others due to insecurities. He doesn't have a fighting tooth, at least not in a competitive way. He may become competitive if he is put in a team, or there is an expectation set, or it is something such as racing.
He drives like a lesbian. (the leg up and one hand on the steering wheel)
He has a fatherly nature, making him extremely approachable to charmy, cream, and the chao.
Despite his awkward and nervous nature, he is very good at comforting, significantly younger people. But he is good at physical comforts, such as back/arm rubbing, hugging, hand holding, etc. And enjoys these interactions as well.
Because of being around Blaze most of his life with her fire, he has grown to hate the cold.
Toxicity runs through everyone. For Silver, he likes to hang back on something important, instead of offering to participate in it right away. He will only do it if asked, other than that, he'll just scoot away from the situation until someone else takes the heroic spot.
He likes to have a good concept of himself to only people who he cares about. He wants to only look good for people he wants to stick around in his life, so when he fails to do so, it ruins him. But if he is an asshole to someone he doesn't care about, he couldn't care less about their impression on him.
Even though he is very close with Amy, and a few others, he only shares his personal life / secrets with Blaze. It takes some really good nagging of him in order to spit even a topic out.
When overwhelmed with certain emotions, he will laugh nervously, no matter the situation.ㅤ
He is extremely particular with his quills and fur, and you will almost always find him grooming himself. Some would say that this a narcissistic thing to do, but he just does it for texture and appearance reasons.
He has extremely good charm. he is insanely good at wooing anyone, no matter the situation. He can use this to his advantage if he wants to be a distraction, or if he is bored and wants... something.
Blaze The Cat
Blaze is Silver's best friend and main companion. He treasures her for her emotional stability, maturity, and willingness to have him under her wing.He commonly searches for her for advice and guidance. When he is without her, he is insecure and paranoid.
Sonic The Hedgehog
In the beginning, they were rivals. Silver would find Sonic annoying and in the way at some points, but after a while of learning each other, they are relatively passive and friendly toward each other.Silver provides parts of his personality that Sonic lacks, while Sonic does the same for him. Silver respects and is in awe of Sonic in many ways when it comes to his skill in combat, problem-solving, and freedom.
Shadow The Hedgehog
Silver and Shadow have limited interactions, typically as part of a larger group effort to confront common threats. Their interactions often revolve around teamwork rather than personal connections. Shadow's cool and stoic demeanor contrasts with Silver's more earnest and determined personality. Even so, Silver respects and honors Shadow very much, and is a commons student under his wing.
Amy Rose
Her compassionate nature and determination to help those in need led her to support Silver in his mission. While not a central relationship, Amy's kindness leaves a positive impression on Silver. They have limited interactions, but it would always be positive if they were to interact.
Espio The Chameleon
Espio the Chameleon appears to be one of Silver's closest friends, with the two having met during the Ifrit incident. They both radiate calm energy when together, and Espio is there to think logically, while Silver can help think emotionally.
Knuckles The Echidna
While their interactions aren't deeply explored, they share common goals when facing threats to the world and can be seen as part of the same team.
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( シャドウ・ザ・ヘッジホッグ )

Shadow The Hedgehog, also known as "The Ultimate Lifeform", is a Hedgehog that was created in the early '50s by Professor Gerald Robotnik. He was created by using the DNA of Black Doom and an anthropomorphic hedgehog's DNA, resulting in "Project: Shadow".Shadow is an ageless being that resembles Sonic the Hedgehog in many ways, making them have constant rivalry over the fact.

╰┈➤ ❝ Unlike Sonic, Shadow is the complete opposite of the egotistical, snarky hedgehog. He is very serious and blunt but will remain respectful when he wants to. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ He is not seen with many people or just people in general and would rather be alone. He works best when he is just by himself, but if he must be with someone, he will be content with one other person or tolerate two people by his side. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ Shadow doesn't talk much and prefers not to. He is a good communicator when needed, especially when it comes to figuring things out or threats. But due to his lack of social experience, he can tend to be awkward in some social situations. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ Even though he is mainly respectful and keeps to himself, when in combat or talking to people he doesn't like, he will not hesitate to let them know who's boss, and will always have the dominance trait. He insults however tries to call themselves better than him and speaks very poorly of most. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ Shadow can be emotionally driven such as most of the characters in the franchise, however, his are of course more negative. When he is angered or frustrated, he will become one of the most merciless and ruthless characters up-to-date in the entire universe. He is not afraid to hurt, destroy, or kill, whether it's to blow off steam or to get revenge. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ All throughout his life, he has developed different types of disorders such as PTSD and NPD, and depression. His mental stability has been shown occasionally through the franchise, but it is never focused on. He still remains mentally unstable, but is able to repress his struggles well. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ Even though he can come off as stubborn, he is also a very determined creature. He will do anything to get to his goal, whether it is deemed impossible by his peers or not. He rarely gives up, and when he does, he's greatly surprised and disappointed in himself. ❞╰┈➤ ❝ He was a very strong sense of well-being, and nobody can ever take him down with their vibes or words. He knows who he is, and who he wants to be, and nobody can change that. ❞
"I will release you from the chains of your past."Sonic 06
"I'm more than enough on my own. I'll handle things my way."Sonic Forces

He is an adopted Robotnik. Even though he was a creature to be made for medical reasons, Maria became too attached to him and considered him family. Due to this, the grandfather of Maria adopted him as officially part of the family. Therefore, his last name is Robotnik but goes by "hedgehog" to prevent confusion or explanation. Only in very serious and rare circumstances will he ever introduce himself as "Shadow Robotnik".
Shadow has canonically dealt with mental disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, but I believe that he also has common things, such as depression. He has been extremely suicidal ever since he regained his memories, and only when he would think the topic would fit in a conversation-- or when he wanted everyone to shut up-- he would throw a self-proclaiming suicide joke out there. But often, he wouldn't make jokes, and more rather, statements that were very stern and straight forwards. Many have found themselves confused about why he hasn't committed yet. Tails suggests that he hasn't found a way to kill himself yet, as he is immortal. Others suggest that he has attempted, but something would convince him not to fall through with it, and he'd snap out of it. But he would never tell anyone who's right.
Even though he thinks gratitude is a waste of time, he likes to know that he's appreciated occasionally. It gives him a reason to keep doing good and to keep saving lives. He finds arrogant and self-centered people disgusting, especially when he's the one helping them. So when he gets complimented or thanked for heroic deeds, he physically brushes them off as they make him feel nothing, but certain phrases and certain people make him feel seen, and it keeps him from turning fully evil.
He likes to work alone, as he can't handle other opinions and thought processes often, due to his own strict thought processes and schedules. But, when needed to work with others, his plan will always be heard, and most will listen, encouraging his leaderistic behavior. Only rarely will he follow others' plans, especially if he is unfamiliar with what is happening / what the motive is.
Shadow is diagnosed with OCD and Narcissistic Personality Disorder, more specifically, EDD (Empathy Deficit Disorder), meaning that he has no concept or feeling of empathy. And with his OCD, he has found himself becoming obsessive over a certain thing, or occasionally, a person. When he gets into one of these OCD episodes, this is when he is the most dangerous and the worst happens. He has been given and prescribed medications, however, he doesn't take them as he feels they make him feel weak, or susceptible.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Shadow also shows signs of minor schizophrenia, and he can hear and see things that aren't really real, resulting in extreme panic attacks that make him look and act violent when he's just terrified out of his mind. He hasn't told anyone about this and plans to continue to keep it a secret. It only happens when he thinks about a certain situation too often, or when he is extremely stressed, so he doesn't acknowledge it as any different from his PTSD or anything like that.
Even though he likes to keep conversations minimal, he is very good at socializing. When maria was still alive, she would tell him stories and just talk with him every day, all day, making him great at having conversations. She would even ask him to read for her, meaning that he has very good comprehension as well. he uses big words often, mainly so he can get his point across without anyone knowing what he's saying, making the conversations shorter, just to his liking. But also due to his great communication skills, he is good at talking people into or out of things, including serious topics.
Maria has influenced him a lot, as well as caused him to react a certain way to certain things. One of these things is physical affection or just physical touch in general. He describes the feeling when someone touches him as "A ghost trying to pull him and drag him to hell." No matter what, everyone's touch feels very cold against his skin and quills, and the pressure of hands or bodies pressed into him causes his fight or flight response to trigger, which always results in fighting. But when he is asked for consent and is given a warning before being touched or held, he can handle it for a short amount of time before starting to gain a panic attack. He always found this strange, as he would pick up, hold, hug, and hold hands with Maria constantly, and never felt the way he does now with touch. He used to blame that because the majority of people he hung out with or were anywhere near weren't human, but when a human gave him a hug for saving their life, he reacted the exact same way.
Shadow has had identity issues ever since he was trying to figure out who he even was when he forgot his memories. When he would look in the mirror, he would see a hedgehog, but would never feel like one. Once he found out where his DNA came from, he felt more at ease referring to himself as an alien. But afterward, he found the term grotesque and wanted to find a new label. He never found a better one and started to refer to himself and agender, as aliens didn't really have a history of having a specific gender. Because of this, he likes to use he/they pronouns, the they/them preferable used by strangers or when he asks certain people to use them. But to make him fully happy, he likes just to be referred to by his name, as he quotes, "I understand that I am not fully a hedgehog, or at least what could come of it. But I am a being. I am Shadow."
It is common for Shadow to develop eating disorders, and has suffered from them for many decades. He can't quite figure out why and how they start / end, but they just do. But he has connected the dots that he starts an eating disorder aggressively when a massive change has happened. Such as someone leaving a certain team, even if it's not his, someone passing away, someone missing, getting into an extreme fight with another acquaintance, and the list goes on. But he never attaches emotion to food, at least he doesn't think he does, as the only disorder he had ever suffered from was anorexia.
Due to his intense trauma and head injuries, Shadow finds it difficult to all asleep and stay asleep. But when he is experiencing lots of stress, he will sleep walk and have sleep paralysis. Sleep walking is less common than sleep paralysis, but he knows that he really needs to calm himself down or change whatever is stressing him when either of these two things occurs.
Shadow suffers from intense migraines occasionally, and the only way he can tell one is going to hit is when his nose starts to bleed.
Sonic The Hedgehog
Rivals with mutual respect. Shadow and Sonic are often at odds due to their contrasting personalities and approaches to problems—Sonic's carefree and optimistic nature clashes with Shadow's serious and brooding demeanor. Despite their rivalry, they have a deep mutual respect and are willing to team up when the world is in danger. Shadow recognizes Sonic’s strength and determination, while Sonic acknowledges Shadow’s abilities and past struggles. Their interactions often involve playful antagonism or competition, but there's an underlying trust.
Silver The Hedgehog
Comrades with tension. Shadow and Silver are allies when facing common threats, such as saving the world or battling powerful enemies. However, their relationship can be tense, as Shadow tends to dismiss Silver's naive and idealistic nature. Silver, being from the future, looks up to Shadow as a legendary figure but often finds himself frustrated by Shadow’s cold and sometimes condescending attitude. Despite their differences, they share a dedication to their missions and can work together effectively when it counts.
Rouge The Bat
Trusted ally and close friend. Rouge is one of Shadow's closest confidants and a rare person he truly trusts. They share a long history as teammates in the organization G.U.N. and on Team Dark. Rouge understands Shadow’s stoic and guarded nature, often acting as a grounding influence for him. In return, Shadow respects her cunning and resourcefulness. Their bond is built on mutual loyalty and an unspoken understanding, making Rouge one of the few people who can truly connect with Shadow on a personal level.
Amy Rose
Acquaintances with occasional moments of understanding. Shadow and Amy don't interact often, but when they do, it’s usually in the context of larger group efforts. Amy’s optimism and determination can occasionally irritate Shadow, but he also admires her persistence and courage. Amy, in turn, sees Shadow as a complex figure and sometimes tries to bring out his softer side, though with limited success. They rarely have conflicts, but their vastly different personalities mean they don’t spend much time together.
Knuckles The Echidna
Respectful allies with occasional friction. Shadow and Knuckles have a pragmatic relationship built on mutual respect for each other’s strength and determination. Both are fiercely independent and can be stubborn, which sometimes leads to disagreements or competitive clashes. However, they work well together when united by a common goal. Knuckles sees Shadow as a capable and serious ally, while Shadow respects Knuckles' unwavering dedication to his duty as the Guardian of the Master Emerald. Knuckles is one of the only people who can truly tire and weaken Shadow during combat.
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